Smog what is that?
here we have the most beautiful summer in 100 year, 25-30 digrees celcius warm, sens maj.
Some heavy rain storms also, so we have so green here and fresch air, almost to much oxigen.
i'm writing this in dallas, texas.
as i write this, we're having another day of a grade red ozone alert.
in simple terms, our air quality is terrible.
when i read about those who think that there is some major power struggle at bethel-i often wonder how much do they really understand about the guys in charge .
you see with a one man show (rutherford, knorr to some degree before 75/76, russell) all you need to do is change one guys view and it is done .
anyone who knows how middle management and committees work know that nothing gets done or changed many times cause no one wants to take the blame and risk losing their cushy positions by being removed by the others who will say: .
thank you very much, this was a very intresting story, and as i think it is like when we wote on the kingdom hall.
the most intresting point is who are in charge, who have the money,you dont answer that?
in franz book he say nowan now this, unbelevebel.
i can not understand why GB is so secret widh this things, all this make them look suspicious.
you say that you was on bethel, do you now some more who have leave like you?
greatings from the north.
we all hope that tomorrow not will see the same dissaster as one year ago.. you are all in my thaughts, if you are jw or exjw, i hope something bad not will happend.. here in sweden was a bigg nocie tonight about what as can happend tomorrow, al quida have some bad things planed they say.. so take care..
We all hope that tomorrow not will see the same dissaster as one year ago.
You are all in my thaughts, if you are JW or EXJW, i hope something bad not will happend.
here in Sweden was a bigg nocie tonight about what as can happend tomorrow, Al quida have some bad things planed they say.
so take care.
i have found differences in the way to plant seeds of doubt: here are my experiences.
when speaking to jw's i found that the "un" & the child abuse cases where the jw pedophiles have been convicted and in prison works wonderful.. when speaking with non-jw's i found that speaking to them about jw pedopiles who go door to door makes them totally irate.. i've also asked them to do non-biased research on topics they are not sure.
i've told them if you are in the "trvth" you have nothing to worry about the information that you will find.. let's share what has worked for you when plating seeds of doubt?.
When it comes too the abuse thing, I tell my friends to read in WT, 95 where whey can see fore them self , our polyci, widh two wittneses.
I dont think this dont read on internet thing, will work inn the long run, lokk on myself, I think what is this talk , never read on internet, it was the same as say too me look here is something realy important.
You can perhaps try to kill the messenger, but in ost case it is a bad strategi.
internet is a woice fore the wociless.
kina fore exampel are terrifide ,,now peoepl can look fore them self, who it is in western world, it is not so godd fore our lewadership to bee inn the same categori as Cina, and north korea.
When Rusel lived, he use the new media fore his perpuse, therfore i am very sad that the GB dont understand the power and use of this media.
Leving it too your anymies is a very bad way too goo.
Hello nordic man, from Where?
I was writing down my daybook beacause i was littel angry of the picture some give of the JW life.
That was my picture, i now some have diffrent, as we see here.
UN thing i now , been here a long time, look on my personal eye.
Or read my diffrent posts, perhaps you will bee surprised.
i work in a business that sometimes has teenagers purchasing or renting items from us.
when they do so, we have to have a parent or legal guardian make the arrangements or sign any binding agreements.
if we didn't, nothing would be worth the paper it was written on, as people under 18 can not enter into a legal arrangement on their own.. .
associate with ex-members .
fully accept the watchtower's authority and rules (no exceptions) .
dress according to their rules at the kingdom halls, service and conventions (no exceptions) .
Ohh, so happy i can bee, I must bee free real free, who not are forced to celebrait all this diffrent days, and how much money I save.
FUNNY I been an JW fore 50 year, and dont understand what i missed,
perhaps the most JW not are like you think, blind fools,internet??, ,
who can check this out??
I dont think you now the modern JWs do you?
Today i was shopping some stocks, this terribel market who take all my money.
Well tomorow i must go and look on my fotball team, perhaps i give my son some nice gift, he was 24 some days ago.
And sunday i have party widh my working vd friends testing beer , diffrent sorts.
Never to forget my 2 our on internet checking out whats happend and I can tell you I am not alone.
On this journey, i also have to disscuss widh my boys, who are sooo happy because they have read that in Canada it is free to smoke mariujana, they even say it is less dangerus than beer," this crayzy canadians, " can they never understand who dificult it is to learn boys not to take this stuff???
And yes also i have this meeting on sunday mornig, to have some spirutal food also,
learning that wee must bee nice to all, love and care is very important,
if i have time perhaps some hour in service, to tell people that we have a future on earth , reading Dan 2:44, and rev 21:4
I have some peopel who i think waiting fore mee, living in a mess, widh no hope at all.
So there you have some day in a JW life in sweden
i say this to this peopel who belived we are idiots who are complitly insane, as the post before look like.
>i have seen comercial fore a bok from a swedish man who say jw are wrong on 607 issu, here on this site.</p>.
<p>now i find this issu on the jw site thuchstone.</p>.
<p> </p>.
>I have seen comercial fore a bok from a swedish man who say JW are wrong on 607 issu, here on this site.</P>
<P>Now I find this issu on the JW site thuchstone.</P>
<P> ;</P>
<P>Just to throw another nugget in on the 587/6 date, </P>
<P>Archeology claims that Nebuchadnezzar became King in about 605 or 604. In looking at the seventy year prophecy of Jer 25 it clearly shows that the prophecy was made in the first year of Neb, and that it was a prophesy applying to the time of Nebuchadnezzar not his predecessor Nabopollasar. The math is simple. From 604 to 537 only about 67 years. Or others like to end the seventy years at the actual defeat of Babylon in 539. That's 65 then. Not the 70 the Bible clearly prophecied. So they don't even allow for seventy years in there from Neb to 539 or 537.
<P>But it gets way more detailed. A close look at Jer 25 shows that the 70 years is a culmination of Neb actually coming down and desolating the area. Jer 25 vs 15 and 29 verify that the cup drinking of seventy years of punishment starts with the destruction of Jerusalem itself.
<P>So now if we used archeology we would have to start at 587/6 which leaves only about 50 years. Not the 70 of the Bible.
<P>There is much more. Namely my point in the above is not the establishment of 607, although there is much evidence for that too, as much as to show that archeology is wrong in its dates prior to 539. It's wrong in it's date for Nebuchadnezzar of 605 and it's wrong in it's 587/6 date for the destruction of Jerusalem.
<P>As regard your second question, I want to also give it to you in a nutshell. I encourage you to study it with your teacher. Or at least ask for information.
<P>The Kingdom line was interrupted in 607. You know, King David, King Solomon, etc. After Jerusalems destruction there were no more Jewish Kingd. This started the "gentile times." The times when there was no theocratic King making God's rule known or even present on earth through an organized government. BUT WAIT! The Messiah was supposed to be the King in the line of David. So did the "gentile times" stop when the Messiah Jesus came? No, Jesus did not take the throne while on earth as Messiah. In fact he shunned it because he understood the throne would be one he would take after going back to heaven.<BR>Further scriptural evidence, some of which has already been posted, show that Jesus would take this Kingdom throne later.
<P>So how long would the "gentile times" last until Jesus took his throne? How long would he sit and wait to recieve authority? Certain prophesies of the Bible book of Daniel that the "Knowledge book" touches on (the Live Forever book explains it a little more clearly in my opinion) show how long the "gentile times" would last. 2,520 years according to Daniel. 607 to 1914 is 2,520 years. Therefore we believe Jesus became King and made his "presence" as King known then. Kingdom interests were again activated on earth through an theocratic organized government. Hence we have Jehovah's Witnesses preaching such world-wide in line with Matt 24:14.
<P>Quite a big nutshell. There is SOOOO much more to this. Perhaps you simply need some "suggested reading" so you can get it all at your own pace. Plus there is no need for us to present all those scriptures and cross references and facts here since the WT has already done it. But we are happy to clarify or put in our own words what we can. Anyway, cheers.
i find this on an us site fore religius disskusion, .
june 14, 2000, wednesday, final .
section: news; a1 / front .
I find this on an US site fore religius disskusion,
June 14, 2000, Wednesday, FINAL
SECTION: News; A1 / Front
LENGTH: 531 words
HEADLINE: Jehovah's Witnesses okay blood transfusions
BYLINE: Ruth Gledhill and Petti Fong
Jehovah's Witnesses are to be allowed to accept blood transfusions after an extraordinary U-turn by leaders of the
controversial religion.
Elders have decreed that Jehovah's Witnesses who accept blood transfusions under life-or-death conditions will no longer
face excommunication from their religion.
The move represents the biggest climbdown in the movement since the predicted Armageddon failed to materialize as forecast in
1975. The decision, arrived at by a secret meeting of the 12-member world governing body at the movement's headquarters in
New York, was dismissed as a ''slight adjustment'' by the religion's leaders.
This muste bee some form of missunderrstanding , or what?
perhaps it is that we can not dfd persons whotake blood, but the GB told us to look at them as dfd ,
i have some weak memory that we have this info on some eldermeting, some here who now?
then I reead a lot of this Hemopure, what is Hemopure,never heard of it?
when i left the religion, i walked away and did not get df'ed or da myself.
in doing so, my wife left the religion at the same time.
in our life we have been very nonwitness in our life.
Shamanism, what is it all abaout, some indian witch power religion?
take some wextebels from the dessert and find the real life?
When it comes to dfd, wee have here both sides, some who fade away, some who are dfd, depend of how smart you are, myself not so smart i think, talk widh severla about this UN , thing, and even abuse case, perhaps I must try to bee quiet, not so easy is it.
Well now i must go to the sunday meetings soon, by by.